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Case Studies

Cybersecurity for Classified Mission
Secured a mission critical system for a Department of Defense initiative
Data Analytics for Homeland
Built various data analytic solutions for Homeland Security on a massive data platform
Created JIT Virtual Dev Environment
Deployed a Just-in-Time Development Environment for a Top 100 US Firm’s Software Development Team that dynamically provisions, dynamically accesses credentials, rotates passwords and deletes the environment upon completion.

Cloud Migration Strategy and Execution
Led the strategy and execution for the migration of a top US Office Supply firm to the Cloud from On-prem.

Built a GUI for HashiCorp Terraform
Created easy to use front-end for a traditionally Linux command line software application for dynamically provisioning compute resources.
Data Solution within the IC
Created a data solution from the leading foundational data software for three missions, with reports briefed at the highest level of national security.
Diversity Reporting
Created a Diversity data ocean and analytic solution with Executive/Board-level visibility into diversity adoption at every level of the organization.

Continuous Deployment Critical Data Analytic Solution
For US Entity, continuously deploying, customizing and creating unique dynamic, real-time reporting on highly critical business data.
Created On-prem to Cloud and Cloud to On-prem PAM Backup
For Leading PAM software firm globally, built a seamless backup of either Cloud or On-prem to paired software in a DR site.